Top 5 Japan Natural Herbal Remedies You Need to Heal & Protect Your Body
Herbal remedies have been used by cultures around the world to prevent illnesses, protect, and heal bodies from negative effects and provide for health care needs for centuries. Herbal remedies are preferred by many as they are more natural and less likely to cause harmful long term side effects to the body.
Here are the Top 5 Must-Haves for every person and family to heal and protect your body safely and naturally.
1. Ginseng has been used traditionally in Asian remedy to boost the body's immunity, reduce inflammation, stimulate the brain, improve blood circulation and increase energy levels. Some studies show that the unique ginsenosides compounds in Ginseng, boast of neuro-protective, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, and immune-supporting properties.
2. Ginkgo has been used in traditional Chinese remedy for thousands of years and is a top-selling herbal health supplement which contains many anti-oxidants that are beneficial to our body. Ginkgo is widely known for its potential benefits for boosting cognitive health, improving memory, and prevention of dementia. Some studies also show positive effects against heart disease and sexual dysfunction.
3. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in both cooking and remedy. Turmeric is well-known for its potential anti-inflammatory properties which may be able to prevent inflammation in the body and help alleviate pain. The major active compound in turmeric is Curcumin may help chronic pain or inflammation, anxiety, and even metabolism. Its beneficial properties may also help the body quickly break down alcohol and boost digestion.
4. Ginger is a common ingredient in the kitchen that is frequently used for cooking and can be eaten fresh or dried and even in capsule or tablet forms. Ginger has been used traditionally for many years to relief headaches, treat colds, and reduce high blood pressure. Ginger is also said to be helpful in relieving nausea experience by pregnant women, people undergoing chemotherapy or have done medical surgery. Some studies show that Ginger may even prevent heart disease and cancer.
5. Licorice root is known for its detoxification and superb healing properties, hence it is one of the essential ingredients in many traditional Chinese herbal remedies. Licorice root is often added into traditional Chinese herbal remedies as it is able to harmonise and balance the other herbs added into the formula. Licorice root is effective in treating heartburn, cold, flu, cough, asthma symptoms, and even depression.
Keep yourself and your family healthy by boosting their immune system and vitality with safe natural herbal remedies. Available on Goodsania Japan with Free Shipping worldwide. Protect and heal your body for an energetic and happy lifestyle!